March 08, 2016

Minimalist Home Design 2 Floor 8x12 and 6x15

minimalist house 2 floors does have a variety of models and sizes. The size also depends on the type used. Made in large and small size, occupancy with this model always has a lot more room for additional floor above. This is very profitable, you do not need to create two houses but could feel the sensation of having a lot like having a two room dwelling.

The need for space increased by making the concept of a two-storey dwelling be increasingly in demand. On the other hand the price of land more expensive, then menyuiltkan for people who have paspasan budget but has a lot of space requirements. But apart from the excess space that can be obtained, the residence also has a design that is pretty good because it uses the concept of modern minimalist elegant.

minimalist design 2nd Floor 8x12

This residence is included in a type 96 actually quite spacious. We make two floors it will be more and more rooms were available. This is perfect if your family is a big family that has quite a lot of family members. The room to the upstairs and downstairs also made different. On the bottom floor is generally made a living room, a master suite, living room, bathroom and kitchen.

Desain Rumah Minimalis 2 Lantai 8x12

While on the second floor you can make a 3 bedroom, lounge and bathroom. Design minimalist house 2 floor 8x12 actually is an ample size is ideal because of its shape which is not too elongated. So you can make some room face to face and make the family room is also more spacious. It's indeed for land like this nukanlah easy thing. If there is certainly much more expensive, but it would be comparable to what you would get.

minimalist design 2nd Floor 6x15

This is a residential type 0 which is quite unique because it has the shape of an elongated , But this is not a problem because the width is not too narrow so you can make the room more spacious. But here you can not make two rooms in the middle because the space will be primarily used as an access road to backward. The new rear section you can make two rooms lined because it was the very end.

Desain Rumah Minimalis 2 Lantai 6x15

For a ladder placed on the access road to the rear of the house. For under the floor plan can be made at the front of the living room, master suite and a family room that uses a system of open layout with the kitchen and bathroom. Open layout is open-plan room system that will make the atmosphere is not too narrow because there is no bulkhead. According to the survey, the house feels cramped is because too much insulation is used. So this will make the outlook appeared to be limited and cramped feeling.

On the top floor you can make a 3 bedroom and the lounge. Size does not need terlau bedrooms are spacious, using a medium-size alone is enough to meet the needs of children. Making minimalist house design 2nd floor 6x15 are somewhat unique because of the long form of the land. But this will not really matter if you are right in doing it right. Often using open system at room layouts are often used together, such as space kelaurga atu additional relaxing space.

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