March 10, 2016

Modern Minimalist House Design Type 45 2 Floor

minimalist design

modern minimalist house design type 45 2 floor does have its own fans. Due to the construction costs are double that of the one-story house. But for lovers of house two floors it does not matter because the important thing is to be able to have more space. Although the Type 45 is not so extensive but if building a two-story house that problem will be resolved because it can build up some room on the top floor.

minimalist house modern Type 45 2 floor suitable for those who have a sizable budget. because of course it will take more money than the one-story house. To plan you can see below.

Plan Houses Minimalist Type 45 Level 2

Denah Rumah Minimalis Type 45 Lantai 2

It can be seen from the picture above that each floor has a different design. You can use the ground floor for the living room, family room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Utuk upper floor can be used for many rooms and a little lounge and do not forget there is also a bathroom. Actually it is just one example of the many existing designs. You can only create their own will and your taste in designing the plan. Or you can hire the services of existing house plans.

That's roughly the picture of modern minimalist house design type 45 2 floor that we provide.

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