March 10, 2016

Balcony Modern house with a touch of futuristic

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik
The natural environment surrounding it, the house that stood on the balcony Madrid, Spain was able to get an amazing aura both indoor and outdoor sides. A-cero designers utilize the breadth of open space and the height of the wooden structure that closes this house. This spaciousness is enhanced with a large amount of natural light coming from large windows that exist at all levels, both in the private area and beyond. You can see straight lines and curves in the design of this house. The house is equipped with a swimming pool which provides an atmosphere in a villa when on vacation.
This modern house has a total area of ​​952 m2 comprising three floors. With a minimalist interior also has a futuristic touch. Even the exterior looks futuristic on one side. The furniture in this house with the best adapted to suit the preferences of home design. You can also see the use of LED lights that enhance the architecture of this house by drawing lines framing the space of this house.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

Lighting LED visible light either on the interior or exterior. Design houses lined made an appearance this house looks much more attractive.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

Minimalism is surrounded by a garden is a landscape that surrounds the house.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

The lines of the exterior of the house looks ultra-modern and perfect at the same time is amazing.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

On the other hand, the architecture seemed to have some futuristic touch in it by using lines and curves.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

the pool side will definitely be one of my favorite places in the house. The pool does not only offer a place for relaxation, but also become an attractive outdoor decoration.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

From the side of the pool, balcony home showing real beauty. The use of glass makes it look like a houseboat.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

From the pool, you'll get a better view of the nature and the surrounding environment.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

living room using natural colors for the furniture in it.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

sky- high-arched ceiling is a gorgeous accent. Even the interior looks very stunning even in a minimal design.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

the furniture and kitchen design created specifically for this house, adapted to the theme and the preference of the house.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik

the other side of the house that looks strong with a futuristic feel which have no end.

Rumah Balkon Modern dengan Sentuhan Futuristik
Balcony Modern house with Futuristic Touch Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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