March 10, 2016

Create and Set Creative Storage

Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif
What do you do if you have a small room but must be able to accommodate a bed, living room , a place to learn, storage room and much more? This time we will discuss the idea of ​​designing a storage area of ​​creative that can be placed in a limited space.

Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif
This idea begins with changing the small room and make more storage space by filling it with large plywood box and the final layout is organized and simple, so as to provide a special place for luggage and make the rest of the room becomes a wider area. It is also supported with the addition of some graphics on the floor and the wall to give a little element of personalization.
Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif

To make work like this, wooden boxes required to create a creative part, the arrangement of mathematical measured carefully so as to make all the parts can be fused to perfection. Storage components surrounding the bed includes a wardrobe and drawers. It also can function as a bookshelf for those who like to read and give space to display books and objets d'art works your pet.
Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif

At first the room was full with various objects and furniture including desks, cabinets and beds. The room is not fused, irregular and full so it does not give a sense of comfort for the family. By placing a deposit system on one side of the room in a big wooden box, this room becomes more organized and displays a minimalist aesthetic which is then refined by several large graphics on both sides of the wall and floor. Thus visually able to increase the size of the room and by changing the color pattern also creates a dynamic atmosphere.
Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif

One of the things that is really amazing is how much storage space can be created albeit in a small space if we can design and build it properly and structured, especially with the use of plywood so that costs remain minimal.
Excess cabinet design like this is to provide a storage area multifunctional and looks very blend with the room when the door was closed.
Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif

A free-standing table is part of the final design and remains an important part of the furniture. Without the desk of a house would look empty. Another unique part is the wall opposite, which happened to be next to the entrance. The other side walls are painted with chalkboard paint to create the impression of a multipurpose as bulletin boards and style-free images.
Within this small space already has all the features, filled with giant box to create a multipurpose room that is comfortable, beautiful, organized and well structured very good.
Membuat dan Mengatur Tempat Penyimpanan Kreatif
int2 Architecture
Create and Set Storage Creative Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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