March 08, 2016

Designing Window Home Minimalist

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis
Design windows Home minimalist plays an important role in the appearance of your home because it will be seen directly by the guests , In terms of design, appearance is the first thing we need to consider from the front of our house. window is the most significant factor in influencing how a minimalist look to the outside world.

In addition, the window also is the liaison between the indoors and outdoors, which became frame natural to showcase the beauty green environment around your home. Without us knowing window also becomes one of determining comfort because the window is one of the vents for light and air in the room.

We can design a window in accordance with our wishes, but need to be considered to conform with the design of our homes such as size, type, or the right position. If planned correctly, the window can be the key to beautify the atmosphere of our homes, not only from outside but also from within.

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis

There are several basic techniques in the design of the front window our house. Most people think that the whole house including windows must have the same design. It is important to remember that almost all of the design house, designed in the window when the walls are not insulated or not build at all. Traditional house usually also have a classic window design. But that does not mean the house is already a bit old can not use modern and minimalist window. We just need to choose the right area.

section front window should appear friendly to visitors and can also show something unique. You can use the traditional style, symmetric, modern and others. Pattern window at the front of your house should not be repeated on all other sides. If the front window of the house you are consistent in decoration as the basic type, pattern, color and cut, you can make more variations of different, especially with the curtain.

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis

Convenience is also a part that can not be separated from the placement of the front window of the house. What looks good from the outside is not always ideal when seen from the inside. The windows of your home should be able to accommodate the needs of both sides. For example, the windows facing east and west will receive the most sunlight can make the inside of the house is too strong, especially for the room to watch television or work space. To overcome this you can take advantage of the curtains or draperies. Similarly, if you know in which direction the wind is blowing, you can set the temperature in the ventilation around it.

When adding a new window to the wall that already exists, the trick is to maintain a consistent design, balancing the pattern and adjust usage color.

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis

Each region home have different window designs. Because the front window of minimalist touch with the living room, you have to pay attention to these two areas. For example, if your living room facing the busy street, you should not install a window that is too large. The solution is to install several sets of small windows arranged in a neat and orderly. After that you can customize the design on the front of the house.

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis

In addition to design, we also need to consider the height of the window. You can adjust the exact position of the window by the door. Ideal window located not exceed the height of the door. If your roof is high, add a small vent at the top could be a trick you can do.

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis

Mendesain Jendela Depan Rumah Minimalis,,,,,
The Minimalist Home Design Window Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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