March 10, 2016

Eco-Friendly Home Design Two Floors

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai
Design House incredible to be a work of art designed by Cornerstone Architects, named Ridgewood House , located in Austria, Texas. This house has a unique design for the concept of two-storey house with a shape that promotes the side rather than a luxury property. The main aim of this house is to take advantage of eco-friendly design elements and sustainable by providing relaxed comfort in indoor or outdoor indulgent lifestyle of the homeowner.
The pool was built in the area opposite the house. This gives a dramatic effect and flows into the room and the exterior at the rear. The trees look harmonious home environment along with brick walls traditionally provides a strong link between this house and the surrounding nature.

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

You can see the refreshing atmosphere at the entrance with trees in harmony with the color and shape of the building this house.

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

by making use of geometric shapes to create different dimensions when looking at the building of this house.

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Notice the unique touch on the floor, rough texture that contrasts seem srasi the wall.

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai
Here is the plan of two-storey house is:
Desain Rumah Ramah Lingkungan Dua Lantai

Cornerstone Architects
Two Eco-friendly Home Design Floor Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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