Parks minimalist is part of the house that can give a high and beautiful atmosphere close to nature. For some people, the park is considered mandatory because in addition to beautify the look of the house also can provide coolness during the day. This is quite important because it can improve the quality of your leisure time and family.
Parks also can be used for a place to relax, a small size normally used gazebo to sit while enjoying a beautiful atmosphere. The location of the park is also not limited in front of the house behind the house alone but also not uncommon. Usually this is done for people who do not own land in front of the house because it directly bersebrangan by road.
Example Parks Home Minimalist
At the front, the park is made broadly follow and shape of the front of the building. For its size alone can be adapted to the type of house. Except for a special type which has a vacant land area larger than the building itself. An example is the type 36/72, 60/0 and others. If you have a plan like so then you can create a garden surrounding the house.
Actually, in the garden can also be combined with a small fish pond so that the atmosphere is getting cool. This is because the air that blows be reflected in the cool water that has properties that when he came in the house has a cool air. To better serve a maximum of making fish ponds are placed right in front of the terrace. Of example front garden minimalist above maybe you already know how to divide the land for the pond in the park.
To make it look beautiful, you can add several types of natural stones to add an elegant impression on the house. Plants that use should also be varied so as not to saturate the look, do not need high-priced the important thing is to meet the needs. If the land area of the front of your house wide enough then there is no harm in using the gazebo for a comfortable place to relax. If you do not understand gazebo, this is tampat relax already public were in the park and beberbentuk like huts on land pasundan.
Example Rear Garden minimalist
to the rear is the same, the combination of natural stone and a small cola complements the beauty of the park. Equipped with beautiful plants. There are other important parts that need to be considered, namely, the footrest on the garden area. Usually made of cast concrete or natural stone. This part is very important that the lawn is not damaged and keep your shoes clean from water and soil.
For the plant itself, you can use the green and flowering bright colors. Or that is both functional as-in-law tongue plant, its ability to absorb the dirty air and toxic very useful for cleaning the air around your home. This has an impact on the quality of the air you breathe every day and family health is maintained. Thus examples of garden behind the house minimalist can we say, thank you.
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