March 09, 2016

Maximizing Space Under Stairs Home

I was stunned when signed in to a friend's house, the house is not so great, knowing her home is in a residential area north of Surabaya, the house has undergone renovations to 2 floor, I was struck in the space under the stairs leading to the 2nd floor, the empty space below the staircase was used as an office, there is a computer desk, shelves minimalist and a computer complete with printer and sound system, unfortunately I did not bring a camera and a cell phone camera so can not take pictures.

I think it's a smart idea to utilize the space normally filled with stuff that sometimes gives the impression of a mess, than you expand the area to place furniture or home accessories you can see all the corners of the house you that you can exploit and in the event also add aesthetic value.

space under the stairs is not so wide but can be utilized for any purposes of your home, for example:
Room down stairs utilized for Bathroom
not previously imagined right, if we can utilize the space under the stairs to the bathroom, basement stairs did not have the ideal height and the room there are degrees of tilt, but if you are creative you can put a bathroom minimal, with little it requires the creation so that the space can be useful leverage, and do not forget pencahaannya because the space tend to be dark

room Down Stairs for Laci and Rak
Sometimes small objects we forget where we put because we do not have a special place objects and equipment, space under the stairs can be used as an alternative to be made drawers and shelves so that we could put small objects and pieces of equipment our equipment

kitchen below room appliances
Occasionally we put down the stairs to the 2nd floor in the back room kitchen, do not leave this room is empty because it can be used for kitchen or kitchen set so that it looks more artistic.

Bookshelf under the ladder
for you who collected books can utilize the space under the stairs, this will add to the aesthetic value of the room and could not save the room to be filled with other furniture ...

Mountain Bike under Stairs
If your garage is not enough to accommodate your vehicle, because mountain bikes are not any used maybe once a week, you could keep the bike under the stairs, so it will be more visible artistic ...

Office below stairs
this is also done by my friend I mentioned above, utilizing the space under the stairs into the office ...

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