March 20, 2016

Model Minimalist size 6x9 m

Make minimalist model homes nice is not an easy thing, there should be particular attention to all parts of the house. Apart from being used regardless of the size, this should be done in order to live a more comfortable dwelling. It also affects the size of the convenience, but this can be overcome with good design.

Occupancy little as type 36 is one example of a small house can be comfortable to use because the design is used appropriately. The concept of minimalism is the most popular for small home, and now also started many large size house that uses the concept of minimalism. This model is the most in demand because it can balance the needs of aesthetic and functional so that it becomes a perfect home.

Model Minimalist size of 6x9 m

Including to the size of 6x9 meters should also be considered interior design and elsteriornya. Preferred is the architecture because this is what determines the shape of your dwelling. Usually used is a simple form with an accent straight lines are clear and unequivocal. Given these attributes will make your dwelling appear modern and elegant.

Such designs are highly recommended for residential with a small size. For this dwelling is actually the same as type 36, but has a more long and up to 9 meters. This makes the house has an elongated shape. That way your dwelling will have its own uniqueness and look different from the others.

Model Rumah Minimalis Ukuran 6x9 m

minimalist concept is actually making a simple shape but still maintaining functional terms. For residential categorized as small as minimalist model homes the size of 6x9 m did have to use a simple concept, the goal that has the same theme with the characteristics of the building. If the building is small but beurukuran using elaborate design then it would only make the house look like aneh.model is also available in other types such as the minimalist house 6x12 size.

But you janga wrong with a simple design like this, all functions important than a house would have been available. But only the size is not too large. If you want a lot of room but could not extend the ground for any reason, then the solution is to build a minimalist house 2 floors. Indeed, the overall budget is not small, but it also will not be as much to build 2 houses.

If it is built using the concept of two floors then you will get many of the rooms as well as having two homes. This is the benefit that would be obtained, you will not trouble regulate the division of space because there is already a lot of room. This way your family can get a room on their own. Especially for children, growing adolescents would want to have the right to privacy and would like to have my own room, your job is to facilitate your ana purposes, one of which is a private room.

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