March 10, 2016

Modern Home Design Ideas Two Floors

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai
You may have seen the design of a two-storey house. But the design of the house that we'll show this time was different. Called with Picture Frame House, because it consists of a series of frames that frame the architecture of this house. Equipped with glass walls throughout the house. The concept of home is powered from the goal to reach a house with a residential style modern international standards. Maximizing the sights around the area with a range of 360 degrees from the city center Saratosa, the Gulf of Mexico. The main attraction of this house is the ability to design pages that integrate indoor and outdoor life.

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai
This page is located in the middle of the house. So this place is perfect for chatting with family, a courtyard surrounded by homes which also connects the garage and the living room in front of the main house. House plans have inverted style. Secondary bedroom on the first floor. The master bedroom, family room and kitchen located on the second floor. There is also a roof deck with a touch of wood and green grass that allows you to get a better view of the surrounding environment.

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

the pool is not so wide, but with an elongated shape adapted to the shape of the land. Despite the restricted area, the pool looked quite extensive with the right composition.

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

the interior is filled with all kinds of furniture and modern decor. The use of warm colors give a touch of luxury. Appearance beautiful minimalist house that makes everyone want to stay in it.

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai

Ide Desain Rumah Modern Dua Lantai
Voigt Brothers Construction
Modern Home Design Ideas Two Floor Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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