House this being the only design house that stands between traditional house around it. With bersinah white color makes it look inconspicuous. Besides modern design diusungnya to show a clear contrast and gives a futuristic impression.
Built as the home of a family residence simple because the house is small, mutually coincide with another house. Due to the limitations lhan, this house was built with a focus on multi-floor, so will a lot of vertical space for hanging paintings, ornaments, accessories and other artwork. Although it was built on the basis of modern design, this house is still made in order to blend with the neighboring house is more traditional, with wide windows and layout of high front line with houses nearby.
Although small, this home has been able to accommodate the basic needs of your family. In addition to the main house, on the back there is a small multi-storey structure in the same architectural style, and there is a working space. In addition, a dining room and a garden outdoors serves to connect the house with nature.
Being on the edge of the road and between two lower building will give accent to the profile rectangle, but keep a balance between style and performance.
the design house like this you can apply if you have limited land, especially if you're in a big city that is densely populated.
Elding Oscarson
Design Little House in the Region Solid Population Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t
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