March 09, 2016

Themed Kitchen Design Classic Black White

Desain Dapur Bertema Klasik Hitam Putih
Do you live in modern home with new furniture, but wanted a classic touch to it? The kitchen can be transformed into a room that reminds us of the past. Cabinets and accessories in the kitchen can be designed with a traditional theme and adapted to any room. The use of subtle colors and soft lines are combined with elegant finishing could be the perfect choice to be implemented in the living room, dining room, office, bedroom or bathroom. But this time we will discuss about the kitchen.

Desain Dapur Bertema Klasik Hitam Putih
The thing that makes this a very versatile kitchen design is freedom of composition. Can you see here is the combined oval table with six chairs under low light. The top of the lamp can be a storage place or just to put on display.
The kitchen also can provide according to the color mood. In addition to solid wood construction detail color into its advantage.
Desain Dapur Bertema Klasik Hitam Putih

This kitchen has a counter with sink and storage wall area behind it, including a pair of flanking pantry cupboard next to the stove. There is also a cellar, a TV and even a chalkboard to record the menu. Tables can be a neat place and free if most of the equipment was hanged, use a high chair gives the impression of a model kitchen bar. The area above and behind the cabinets using a dark color as a backdrop.
Desain Dapur Bertema Klasik Hitam Putih

Stove with black metal finishing and stainless steel equipped with two ovens. The sink at this table had a double which is the same material as that used in the table.
Desain Dapur Bertema Klasik Hitam Putih

The closet door with a combination of glass in framing white, while the closet the other has a gray color , If the observed composition of white and gray paired with black and white checkered floor so awesome.
Desain Dapur Bertema Klasik Hitam Putih
Themed kitchen Design Classic Black and White Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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