March 09, 2016

Wooden Kitchen Design with Traditional themes

Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional
Kitchen This is a modern kitchen design but uses traditional themes. The impression traditionally applied in various components, particularly visible on a brick wall with its natural color. Another versatile material options include copper, natural wood and marble is the main ingredient of the kitchen unique and attractive. Every interior is an individual separate stand-alone kengan its uniqueness, but can blend and balance design with other decorations.

Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional
The walls are full there is only on one side, part lainnyadidesain without walls or by using lots of large windows that are positioned to reproduce sunlight and to enjoy the outdoors.
Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

Almost all furntire and decor in the kitchen is a component portable that can easy to move to another place. It is intended to create a more varied kitchen atmosphere. Owners can freely change the design and position when cooking. In addition to being highly functional, this technique can also add artistic value to the modern kitchen of this.
Drawers beneath the surface of the main table contains a tray to put equipment and can be accessed from both sides of the table, so it's very easy if there is more than one person there in the kitchen at the same time, without interfering with each other.
Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

Cabinet short is designed to store equipment, such as oven or dishwasher, but can easily be used to store books and accessories.
natural wood Hooks and shelves positioned at each wall or backdrop. If you prefer your kitchen as a separate room, cabinet short can be a room divider.
A tall cabinet with sliding doors placed into the design as part of a transition that can easily bring together between the kitchen and dining room or living room.
Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

A high cabinets both with the features of a foot high and a tray round copper wonderful in the leg complements the closet before.
Cabinet leggy also used to be easily used to store books and accessories and can be a fabulous addition to any room.
a selection of materials copper, natural wood and marble make this kitchen into a combination of perennial organic material that will last for a long time.
Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional

Desain Dapur Ebonit dengan Tema Tradisional
Wooden kitchen Design with Traditional themes Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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