in building construction sand serves as a fine aggregate in the concrete mix, adhesives for masonry, brick, brick
light and ceramics, as well as floor screed material as the material of Uruk ...
although the sand comes from nature, the government regulate the standard sands (SKSNI S-04-1989-F: 28) eligible as building materials are:
- Aggregate refined grains must consist of sharp and hard with hardness index <2.2.
- eternal properties when tested with a saturated solution of sulphate salt as follows: if used natriun sufat part destroyed a maximum of 12%. if used magnesium sulfate smooth passage up to 10%.
- Not to be contained mud more than 5% and if the sand mengandunglumpur more than 5%, the sand must be washed.
- The sand should not be mengadung materials organic too much, which must be proved by experiment color of Abrans Harder with a saturated solution of NaOH 3%.
- the composition of sand grain size has a fineness modulus between 1.5 to 3.8 and consisting of grains of diverse .
- for concrete with a level of durability that high reaction sand to alkali should be negative.
- sea sand should not be used as a fine aggregate for all concrete quality except with instructions from a government agency material bangunanyang recognized.
- Agreagat delicate used for plastering and specifications applied harusmemenuhi requirements of sand a couple
whereas if classified according to functions and uses sand can be classified into four, namely:
1. Sand Elod
sand Elat is a type of sand that is most delicate among species other sand, if dikepal would build and when removed remains mengumpal not puyar, because it is too fine is not good as a building material, suitable for materials bricklaying, concrete stake and cast materials printed in advance
2. Sand Replace
The sand is very delicate, to say the very fine sand, can be obtained by sieving the sand first with a sieve fine, if you're around Lumajang East Java sand are often found with the term sand Lumajang coming from along the rivers upper reaches at Mount semeru, the characteristics of the sand this type if dikepal will clot and when off the sand still lumpy and not puyar back, the sand of this type is excellent for plastering walls, but also good for pairs of stucco. ..
3. Sand Concrete
sand is quite subtle bit rougher than sand tide, characteristics when dikepal not mengumpal and when released will puyar back, the sand of this type is excellent for casting, installation of foundations and masonry brick ...
4. Red Sand
red sand is slightly coarser than sand concrete, and features cirinyapun almost the same with concrete sand and there are rocks pebbles larger so it is suitable for material cast
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