April 06, 2016

Pictures of kitchen design photo minimalist type 36 45 small and various models

minimalist house beautiful kitchen

minimalist house that has a beautiful kitchen is dream home most people, in addition to forms unikserta narrow places. Minimalist home also includes part of the house is good and beautiful and menghabisakan not cost a lot. besides a minimalist home should also be accompanied with a nice kitchen.

Rumah Minimalis Dapur Yang Indah
One part of the factors that concern in the layout of the contents of a home is the location of the kitchen of the house. In the science of Feng Shui from China said that the position of the kitchen space usually have an important role. If the kitchen is put in place well, residents will have good luck as well. But if not good, and the disease would be a waste of money as a result.

Why the kitchen can be a source of disease ??? In modern times, many people who already do not want to touch the kitchen due to busy work and their respective businesses. Even the kitchen has always been a part of the forgotten in parts of the house, so it is rarely cleaned and finally the kitchen being dirty.

If the kitchen was dirty, it will become a den of germs and bacteria, which will be attached to a variety of kitchen utensils used for cook something, such as plates, spoons / forks, glasses, stove, to the kitchen sink. And that is what will cause the residents became ill, and finally out of money to go to the doctor / hospital closest to the signage disease

Rumah Minimalis Dapur Yang Indah
The kitchen does not have to be designed very luxurious just like a five star hotel, filled with a variety of top-class cooking utensils. Quite simply, as long as both the placement of kitchen efficiency and usefulness. Use lighting rather enough for the kitchen and clean up immediately leftovers after the meal. do not forget to display flowers and fresh fruit as a symbol kemakmuraan in the kitchen area, as a point of prosperity and stability your financial, because the kitchen is like the "heart" of the house.

To position the kitchen is good, there are some things you generally need considered in preparing a minimalist house beautiful kitchen, namely:
  1. the kitchen should not be dititik the middle of the house;
  2. the position of the stove do not sampaiberada under a concrete beam;
  3. the kitchen door should not face the toilet;
  4. the shape of the kitchen should not be rounded and irregular;
  5. the floor should be parallel to the floor of the dining room;
  6. at two-storey house, the bathroom should not be above the kitchen;
  7. the kitchen is required to have lights and air holes (ventilation) is good;
  8. Make sure the stove works well and always clean, because it is an indicator of your finances ;
  9. Avoid laying the kitchen in the northern sector of the house. The northern sector of the compass or the direction of the wind is the seat of the element of water;
  10. The rice is always closed and not to run out. In this way an attempt to retain the energy that has been stable;
  11. The bedroom should NOT be contiguous and located above the kitchen area, especially the position of the bed is not recommended when you're on top of the stove downstairs;
  12. who was already married to his wife will certainly disrupt the harmony of the household, those who have wives bersuami- will be difficult to get a companion because they tend to have unstable emotions;
  13. the kitchen table must nOT be located under or adjacent to the stairs, as the result our efforts are helpful should be helpful not because due to movement of trampling footsteps up the stairs. Logically, dirt and dust generated will easily fit into our food, so many infected by germs;

Rumah Minimalis Dapur Yang Indah
wish to benefit you .... minimalist house beautiful kitchen see also minimalist house and household furnishings

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