April 08, 2016

Variations Model Minimalist Home Front

Display house facade it is very important for occupancy by type and model of anything. Therefore, this part had to be done seriously as this is the first time that will be viewed by others. There are so many designs that can be applied, ranging from classic to modern all be arranged.

Model Variasi Rumah Tampak Depan

But it must also be adjusted by residential models will be designed, is to maintain the harmony of the design. Which should be of concern is the terrace. It lies in the future will greatly help beautify the home. You can add a table and chairs that can be utilized as additional living space in addition you can also use it to relax with the family.

Model variations of house facade

You can choose different models of Nice, for example, is to use a unique fence. Such as wood or bamboo fence fence. The very front of such a fence is something quite important because in not only affects the appearance of the house but also on the surrounding environment. If made properly it will give a positive impression and indirectly also will strengthen your relationship with neighbors.

variasi rumah minimalis tampak depan

gambar model rumah minimalis tampak depan

rumah minimalis tampak depan dengan batu alam

it also can add some accessories like a rock and the other so as to form a concept house with natural stone facade. These ornaments can be applied to the front of the house wall, pole or on a patio wall. With a display like this will make you look more elegant residential and similar to that used villas travelers on the island of the gods.

Applying natural stone ornaments are bringing the concept of a comfortable vacation home. It will be able to improve the quality of comfort in your hunia. Although there are other factors that promote comfort but with a concept like this wherever you can already get it. Model variations of the house looked forward too diverse, for example, is a contemporary modern concept which is now implementing a natural element in the design.

But the natural elements that are applied not as dominant as it will eliminate the existing minimalist design. Minimalist elements also applied to architecture, seen in aksengaris on the front wall. Coupled with intelligent color game makes it look elegant dwelling. To look elegant, then the colors used are neutral colors like white, beige or gray.

The front should do well next page. To be more beautiful then you can make a small garden front of the house so that the occupancy will look more beautiful and friendly by nature. To be more worth it should you use plants that are useful such as for example in-law tongue plant can absorb dust and toxins in the air, so the air you hirus setap next higher quality.

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