March 08, 2016

Build costs Minimalist 2 Floors Type 21

Fees for wake minimalist home is different, depending on the soil type and the desired area. The larger the type, the greater the money should be spent. If you use traditional concept of two floors it will spend more as almost like building the two houses, the difference is you do not need to buy more land.

bangun rumah minimalis murah

This is the advantage the concept of two floors , you can simply buy the land but could enjoy the sensation of having two homes. It's minimalist limited to a small area, it is being debated separately. But with the implementation of a two-storey models expected to meet community needs a decent occupancy.

Build Cost Minimalist 2 Floors Type 21

Actually, to build shelters with type 21 is not too expensive, this is because the land is too narrow so the building materials needed are also not too much. But for two floors of course no extra charge. Menghbiskan usually be about 150 to 250 million, depending on the high cost of building materials for each district about ddigunakan have different prices. For more jelasny please see table below.

Biaya Bangun Rumah Minimalis 2 Lantai Type 21

The prices above is included with the land and if the price is still cheap at 1 million per m2. But in the above table is to model one floor. As for cost to build a house minimalist type 2 floor 21 is approximately 0-250 million. It is a budget that must be removed. Different again if you want to buy a home from the developer minimalist home.

If you buy from the developer, then the price could vary by region. For in urban price could reach 100-0 million per unit land area of ​​21 m2 fit, so the land in front of the house as the page is not yours but still belongs to the developer. If you want to have one then there will be an additional cost. While the price of housing types 21 villages even do not reach 100 million.

Things that influence differences in house prices was the factor of location, access road, strategic or not it's location, as well as its distance from public facilities such as schools, markets , hospitals, offices, universities and others. If you are buying or building a strategic region then the price will be expensive and every year house prices are also more expensive. Occupancy which has a strategic location very nice sekai to do business and is usually used as a store house.

From the above, you may already know and can think the cost will be spent when building occupancy type 21 in your area that is adapted to the conditions your area. For that, better to do a survey first before carrying out the construction. What should be done is to survey land prices, kestrategisan and prices of building materials.

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