March 31, 2016

Ways of making a traditional red brick without burned for home

how to manufacture traditional red brick without burned for home. red brick as the manufacture of Ruma h, therefore will I jelasakan bit of red brick. when there is the question, What is the red brick ?? How to make?? Where is the brick most Much ??
red brick which is one type of brick for house construction base material that is commonly used in Indonesia, ranging from ancient times to the present global age, red brick has become one of the materials mandatory in building a house. Quite understandably, the red bricks are still more widely used than the bricks others, because in addition to already proven its strength dantahan ever, also how to manufacture and how to obtain this type of material is very easy to obtain.

How membuata bmerah is made from ground clay is molded and then dried to very dry after it was burned by the high temperature that it becomes completely dry and dense, hardened and reddish color. Land use is also not just any land, but the soils themselves so can be integrated during the printing process such as clays are often found daera East Java.

Therefore, the house whose walls are built of brick material red will always feel more comfortable and cool. Besides being more durable, strong and firm, so it is rare cracks in walls built of red brick material. In addition, this material is very resistant to heat so as to become its own protection for your building against fire and water.

In general, red brick has size: less than a length between 17-23 cm, width 7-11 , 5 cm long and 3 to 5.5 cm thick. The average weight of 2 kg perbiji (depending on region of origin or manufacture produksin). In addition, in the manufacture of Simple House Minimalist material is also making use of red brick as Behan basis of making the house

Bata Merah Bagaikan Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Rumah

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