March 08, 2016

Creating a Home Garden Looks Wider

Membuat Taman Rumah Terlihat Lebih Luas
The human brain is a wonderful organ. The brain receives raw information gathered by the senses, filter out useless information, identify critical data and compile into a perception of the world around us. The brain can also be manipulated in a certain way. This time we will discuss about the tricks to improve the quality of minimalist garden in our homes, which make the brain think that the park is a small look more majestic.

The brain can be tricked into three dimensionality through illusion changing the perception of space. More specifically, the neighbors can not be fooled by the small yard assuming your home look bigger from their perspective. How could this happen? The brain uses cues such as the relative speed of movement and perspective to build our perception of three-dimensional space. Animator simulate these cues in the form of two-dimensional, for example through the use of linear perspective, which uses a single focal point to simulate distance. The brain will see a series of two-dimensional line as a transparent cube.

You can use this little trick for your small home. If you have a garden or yard is small, below are some of the proper techniques to make your garden look bigger than it actually is.

Use Color In Balanced
Have you wondered why we grow plants for beauty? The biggest reason may be because of the color they produce. If used properly, the colors found in plants can help expand your view of the home page.
Membuat Taman Rumah Terlihat Lebih Luas

The warm colors (such as red, yellow, brown and orange) have an interesting effect on the brain human. As a result, we are visually attracted to him and as if to move closer to us. Conversely, cool colors (such as blue, green, pink and purple) are more likely to blend in with other parts of the park.
By placing a warm-colored plants near the main focus of your page (usually the home or patio) may attract more attention. Placement of colored plants along the border and the edge of the page will create the illusion of distance and your page will look bigger.

Use Texture
Like the color, texture can also create the illusion of distance. Plants are the texture is divided into three categories: regular, medium and coarse. This distinction is based on how plants reflect light. A plant with small leaves plenty reflects a lot of light and tend to form an overall view. Coarse, large-leaved plants with many gaps where shadows can be hidden, creating a contrast between light and dark.
Membuat Taman Rumah Terlihat Lebih Luas

Such a plant warm-colored, coarse-textured plants tend to attract more attention. Finely textured plants, such as plants with cool colors, demanding more attention to the visual and fade into the background and appear farther away. By creating a textured visual line away from the focal point of your garden, with plants rough closer to the point of focus and fine-textured plant even further, you can create the impression of the illusion of distance. Eye of the beholder will be deceived.

Use Element Vertical
Creating a garden that looks bigger does not always relate exclusively to the surface area. The brain also deduce the size of the room based on a high. By adding visual cues that draw the eye upward, you can create a page that is limited in scope appear larger square. Trees are an excellent addition to add height to the garden.
Be careful in choosing the tall trees. Tree growth habit can end in various forms, such as oval, round, straight or cone. Some types of trees grow sideways and upwards, the characteristics of which of course you should avoid if you want the page appear larger. When adding a tall tree in a small courtyard, select plants that are upright and oval the least need of space available, tall trees such as pine can be a choice.

Measure Limitations All Parts
You have implemented all of the above trick from the use of color, utilizing texture, plant height and others to memubat perceptual illusion, but you must still deal with the fact that your garden is small.
A small yard does not mean that all parts of the park should be excluded. Proportion is a big factor in the perception of sizes for large objects juxtaposed in a small yard will reflect light striking the small size of the page. Choose the version of the components that is less like plants, trees and rocks can make your garden more presentable and looked expand its size.
Membuat Taman Rumah Terlihat Lebih Luas

If you are limited because of the size of the page, you certainly do not want to create a large pool and waterfall which takes up most of the space available. Instead, try to make a minimalist version of the pond, for example, a garnish water fountain sederhaan with mini size. Elements of landscape that is proportional to the size of the park may not completely make it look bigger, but it will look more balanced.
Making Home Garden Looks Wider Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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