March 08, 2016

Designing Tips for Kids Home Design

Tips Merancang Desain Rumah untuk Anak
House, a place where children grow and learn, a place where they find comfort, love and affection of the people old. This is a place where they can see, touch, explore and lead the world around them, so that their minds and bodies develop properly. Therefore, the house should be a place where children can feel safe.

However, injury to a child in the home is the primary source of accidental death of children. Media reports have brought attention to the possibility of accidents that could occur, such as falling from the top floor, slipping in ladder , choking on small toys, bitten by a pet, to wander out the front door.

Fortunately, accidents in the home for children can largely be avoided through prevention. Parents can take proactive steps to improve home security and keep their children safe by teaching them the rules of thumb.
Here are some tips on designing the inside of your home to ensure the safety of your children.

Never Leave children Alone in the near water
playing around water when bathing or playing is great fun for children, but the water could allow the hazard. Drowning can occur even though the amount of water a little. Bathtub, sink, swimming pool and even a bucket of water can be a source of great danger. For safety, it is very important to prevent situations that can cause accidents by continuing to accompany the child during the activity near the water.

Never leave a child unattended near water, although only a few seconds. If the phone or doorbell rang as infants or young children in the bathtub, the better lift him and blanket with a towel, then take it with you. If you leave your baby with a sitter, make sure he knows the safety rules that must be done.

Make sure you put a fence around the pool or pond fish to keep the kids drowned accidentally, and consider an alarm system on the door leading to the pool area. Tubs should be closed when not in use.

Keep Cleaning and Other Chemical Much of the Child
Detergents, soaps, deodorants and many other household products are potentially toxic to children if swallowed. In this case, from the perspective of the child, or lower than the knee to see objects chemical which could possibly reach.

Be sure to put a lock closet or storage area where the cleaning liquid and chemicals are stored , Make sure these objects are stored in a clear container so as not to be mistaken.

Keep all medicines in a locked cabinet, out of reach of children. Despite the high telaknya closet that still requires a key, because the children would have been more curious which prompted him to go up and see what's inside.

Never leave cosmetics and toiletries within easy reach. Children like to imitate things they see from their parents, and everyday products such as perfume, hairspray, nail polish until mouthwash, can be dangerous for children.

Save All firearms and Other weapons sharp
If you have a collection of firearms or sharp objects, you are responsible for knowing how to use them safely. Be sure not stored in the open, locked unfilled shells, shrink-wrapped and lock it away in a safe place and can not be accessed by children.

Talking to children about the dangers of weapons is very important, especially if they curious objects are prohibited. Children should be taught safety with various objects at an early age.

Area Beds are Freely, Especially for Baby
Suffocation could be the main cause of unintentional death in children children, and most cases occur in the crib. Baby's nose and mouth can be closed accidentally by soft fluffy pillows, blankets or stuffed toys, limiting its ability to breathe. Create crib as clean and neat as possible. Use a thin blanket and tucked it in the bottom of the mattress to create a link. Blankets quite reaching to the middle of the baby's chest so it can not be pulled over his head. When the cold weather, wear warm pajamas comfortable without the need to add a blanket.

When the kids start to grow up, explain to them about safety in their beds. Consider the potential hazards and make changes to make them more secure.

Close Stop Contact Electrical and expose the Son of Electric Cables
Electric shock caused the death and injury of children each year. Electric shock occurs whenever a child touches the electrically charged objects, while touching other surfaces that can conduct electricity to the ground. Alas appropriate safety devices electricity and avoid hazardous situations can help prevent electrical shock in children.

Increase the security of your home from electrical shock with these safety tips:

  • Close electrical outlet that is unused or can use a plastic cover.
  • Fix or remove the equipment or power cord is damaged.
  • Keep children away from electrical appliances.
  • Teach children to be careful with electricity as early as possible.
  • Do not place electrical appliances near water.
electricity is also a common cause of fires. If you smell unusual, flickering lights or anything unusual, immediately check the power your home and make sure all the wiring system is safe.

Keep Food and Objects Small
Many injuries occur when children can not breathe because food or other objects close internal airways in their bodies and cause choking. Most injuries occur because food choking, so cutting meals and snacks children into bite-sized pieces can be avoided. Children are at risk of choking on small candies, nuts, small fruit, popcorn and more, so keep saving the food is out of their reach.

Ensure goods small household, such as coins, pins, jewelry , kept out of reach of children to avoid accidents. Do not choose a toy with a much smaller part. Look for a label on toys for their age.

Install Alarms Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide if needed
Fire house that kill children under 5 years can occur in the absence of a system adequate security. When there is a fire and the alarm goes off, you have time to escape the heat, smoke and deadly gases. Families can increase the chance of survival by installing smoke alarms and follow the simple procedures. To increase security and vigilance, do the following:
  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home.
  • Test alarms at least once every month and replace the batteries every year.
  • Make sure your children are already terbisa and understand what to do with the sound of the fire alarm.
  • Have an emergency plan and organize a gathering place for families outside when the alarm did not go off.
Carbon monoxide , a gas that is odorless, colorless, also a danger to the family, especially if there are children. Each of the burning fuel creates carbon monoxide. If the central heating, fireplaces, space heaters, water heater or stove is not properly ventilated or leaking, dangerous gases may accumulate. It is better to install carbon monoxide detectors along with fire detectors, and properly maintained to help ensure your home is safe.

Secure windows, Stairs and Door Locks
Accidents due to falls are one the most common type of injury in children, and a few simple precautions can help avoid serious problems. The severity of the injury usually depends on the distance of the height. Do not let your child sit on the bed or table unattended. Make sure stairs and the hallway was clear and tidy, there are no objects that could cause the child to slip, and plug the door of salvation to hold the toddler to the stairs.

Additionally, toddlers and preschoolers can be at risk of falling out of window unprotected. To avoid this, make sure the windows were locked. A child can come in through the window opened at least as wide as 13 cm. Prevent children playing near windows and doors dpat reducing the risk, and do not store or place anything that makes a child can climb up to the window.

Supervise Children when Shared Pets
Pet bring a different atmosphere and teach about family friendship. However, it still can be harmful to animals. Every animal has the potential to bite or scratch, especially if she was afraid, threatened or overly excited.

Here are some things that can help keep kids stay safe around family pet:
  • Choose a pet that fits your family's lifestyle. Learn how much space and the needs of the breed, and make sure you are committed to meeting those needs. There are animals that need a big place, but there are also only require a cage is small.
  • Never leave your child alone with a pet.
  • Do not play rough game with pets.
  • Teach your children simple rules about how to behave around pets.
Always Ready for Emergencies
No matter how well you secure your home or trying to preventing child accidents, one of the best things you can do is to always prepare for emergencies. To help keep your children safe, it never hurts to learn about first aid, prepare medicines in an accessible place, save important phone numbers in your phone such as a pediatrician, poison control, police, the number of workplaces and neighbors or family.

And as soon as your child is old enough, you can teach it to the relevant contact telephone number to call for help in an emergency.
Designing Home Design Tips for Kids Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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