March 08, 2016

How to Take Care of Ornamental Fish Koi in Pond

After a minimalist garden is made complete with a fish pond, well now is filling up the fish into the pond , koi fish was fit to be inhabitants of the ornamental pond minimalist, well for the time Tabloid Rumah Idaman will share how to take care of koi fish in ornamental ponds minimalist ...

the depth of the pond koi , pool depth is very important for the koi fish. The depth of the pool should be more than 80 cm (section filled with water), so that your fish pond is protected from predators, fish pets like cats and other animals that may be
destroy your fish. Fish pond deeper also help stabilize the temperature of the water caused by the scorching heat of the sun, or the weather is cold in the night or when it rains.

Making protector for koi , when the location of a koi pond you select the new location open, make sure not fully exposed to the sun because in addition to quickly raise the temperature of the pool water, it can also accelerate the growth of moss that can affect the clarity of the pool water.
Alternative putting cover crops alongside the pool is highly recommended. Additionally you can also use water plants such as lotus, water lilies in the pond, as well as a beauty enhancer ponds, aquatic plants also become a refuge that houses fish. However, you should avoid planting large trees because it can potentially roots will damage the koi pond you.

One important thing to note is make sure the foliage of the plant protector does not fall into the pool, and immediately clean it if it is not inevitable , Because the leaves may rot and lead to the growth of moss floating in muddy water in the koi pond and disrupt growth. Unlike the moss that grows on the pool walls, moss this type keep the pool is clear and can be food koi.

To koi have a brighter color, you can anticipate by giving black color on the walls of the pool using paint koi pond that many in the market, such products Flexy COAT WATER ponding. In addition to being able to make the koi fish look more beautiful, finishing paint will also reduce algae growth and to avoid direct contact between the cement with a pool that can enhance the ph of water.

Accessories koi ponds , so that koi fish you love to grow well and healthy, some accessories are necessary in order to maintain the condition of the pool water, the habitat. Ideally you will need a water pump, filtration systems, aerator water pools, water heaters and ultraviolet sterilizer.

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