March 08, 2016

Image Minimalist 1st and 2nd Floor Front Modern

For those of you who are looking for image minimalist right then you've been to this Website. We have prepared some residential pictures that might be your inspiration. There are some views that can be taken, but the best is from the front because this is the face of a house and has a design that most good.

Good occupancy of one or two floors had to be designed well, especially on the front for this is the part that people see first. Positive impression can be displayed when the design used is also nice. It is a form of respect you for the environment because it adds to the beauty of the environment through the design of the house.

Image Minimalist 1 Floor Front Modern

For the occupancy of the floor, the part that is often used to support the appearance is on architecture and patio. This is done because the occupancy of this type has a high building then you'll enjoy the bottom. With a minimalist design and modern makes this dwelling look elegant.

 Gambar Rumah Minimalis 1 Lantai Tampak Depan Modern

tampilan tampak depan hunian modern

rumah minimalis tampak depan indah

If you want to view look more beautiful then you can make a small size garden in front of the house. Try to park is made right in front of the terrace in order to provide a cool atmosphere while relaxing in front of the porch. If you see house picture minimali first floor facade of modern above, overall it does look elegant architecture that accentuates the straight-line firm.

Usually the patio was also given a natural stone ornaments to give the impression of a natural and environmentally friendly. In addition, natural stone also provide a relaxed atmosphere seerti holidaying in Bali because it has the same design as a villa in Bali. Well, to color should also be considered because this affects the design of his home. You can choose a neutral color or a colorful combination of the most important is to support the architecture.

Image Minimalist 2nd Floor Front Modern

While in modern residential two floors are usually more favor architectural appearance of a high building , It is the excess of the dwelling of two floors, has a building of high-rise makes the owner feel more confident. The architectural design is applied also more bervairiatif because space is larger though still looks simple because it follows a minimalist style.

Gambar Rumah Minimalis 2 Lantai Tampak Depan Modern

rumah minimalis tampaak depan dengan batu alam

Of minimali 2 storey house picture facade of modern above then you can certainly see a same modern design between floors one and two. This is because the same was deliberately made to look into one unified and harmonious. With a strong accent straight line, this dwelling increasingly looks elegant and classy what more with the implementation of a two-story models. Although this is a dwelling built on the ground to narrow but will still look magnificent because it uses the model level.

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