March 09, 2016

Interior and Exterior Paint Modern Minimalist

To obtain a home look nice and beautiful then must pay attention to the concept of modern minimalist house paint used. Not only the design should be done with the maximum but also the selection and workmanship painting executed with the maximum. It will also greatly affect the beauty of your home, saying that if the house was not given the right paint color, the architectural design has made no role fully.

Why is the paint color is it important? Because oertama impression that others see that there is a mix of colors on the exterior. Additionally jug serves to reinforce the existing design so that it will look more solid. In order to minimize your expenses can combine two or three colors only. This also applies to house small size because if too many colors will actually look strange because there are fewer barriers to creativity.

Cat Home Interior Modern Minimalist

In choosing the theme of the paint for the interior are usually tailored to the theme of the house itself. If using the modern concept of Anad could use the concept of painting that is modern, while using an elegant minimalist models you can use neutral colors for example, is white, beige or gray.

Cat Interior Rumah Minimalis Modern

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But on the inside of the house does not need to use gray because it was included on dark colors and will make the atmosphere of the room darkened. It would be nice if the use of bright colors in the room. For modern minimalist interior paint usually using a combination of paint colors. It is a combination of several bright colors are applied to the home.

To match the paint color should not be done haphazardly. Better you consult the experts in order to get the results as you wish. Color selection is also determined to what the room was used. For example, for the living room will have to use bright colors in order to reflect light at night so the room appear brighter.

As for the living room is better to use a soft color, this is done because of the color of the living room is a place to relax , So it must use a paint color that is pleasing to the eye, for example light blue, light green, purple and other soft color. For the kitchen should also use bright colors to facilitate your activity. Except for tables, chairs and other wooden furniture is better to use brown wood to give the impression of a classic in the kitchen and dining room. And lastly to the bathroom did have to use bright colors that do not have a spooky atmosphere. This is critical, especially if residents are people paranoid or phobia of darkness.

Cat Exterior Minimalist Modern

As for the exterior it is advisable to use a warn sunny and to and to the concept of minimalist elegance can using a dark color that is only one color is gray, it was applied not to the main color is just wrana complementary and used in combination with white or beige.

Cat Exterior Rumah Minimalis Modern

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for occupancy type 21, 36 and 45 if you want to use the technique of color combinations then you should use two or three colors only. As for the color of the above type 45 can use a number of colors that are tailored to the size of the building. Paint exterior house modern minimalist typically use a mix of bright colors like red, purple, orange, yellow, light blue, light green, brown and complementary given the natural stone ornaments on most walls of the house.

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