March 08, 2016

Maximizing Light in the House Interior

Memaksimalkan Cahaya di Interior Rumah
Whether natural or artificial, light has the ability to energize specifically for people who live in it. A normal person would want inside the house is bright, clear and not dark or blurry. During the day we can use sunlight to illuminate our homes, while at night the lights are the optimal light source. Design houses also affects the distribution of light, therefore this time we will discuss how to maximize interior with a touch of the right light.
The placement of the lights also affect the area exposed to light, for example, a room with less form L . Here are easy ways to maximize the light in your home, which eventually will brighten your day.

Let the Sunshine Go to the house
how much natural light can break into your home? No matter how many, it is very important to the room in sunlight because there is a difference between natural and artificial light. Moreover, we do not need to turn on the lights during the day. Consider these tips to increase natural light in your home:
  • Use a thin curtain can still transmit light instead of dark thick curtains. Thus, it will allow natural light can go deeper and bring bright color to the room.
  • Place mirror in the wall where sunlight can reach it. Cermian will reflect light and natural colors and make the room feel more spacious. Consider also the various shapes mirror like an oval or a circle, with a decorative frame that will add more light and color to the room, or just use the antique mirror old than not be used, as long as it looks to match the decor and they can reflect natural light.
Brighten with Color white
Memaksimalkan Cahaya di Interior Rumah
the color white is commonly used for the inside of the house. While you do not want to make the color white as the dominant color, you can still use it on other objects to add brightness in a dark room. Designing a white theme can generally be done by:
  • Using white color on furniture such as shelves, bookshelves and picture frames.
  • Paint the door or window with white.
  • Using lamps with white accents that produce light softer, more produce light similar to natural light than incandescent bulbs.
  • Using white tile floors or ceramic ornaments such as decorative plates on the shelves or cabinets with light colors.
  • Using a tablecloth or placemats white in the kitchen and dining room.
  • Using a pillow white (or bright color etc.) on a chair or sofa.

Illuminating accents room
Memaksimalkan Cahaya di Interior Rumah
This technique gives light to accent a room can contribute greatly to how light or dark the atmosphere generated. Try decorating strategy is to give the appearance of an attractive accent:
  • Add bursts main color on the carpet, pillows, quilts or ornaments. Select accented with bright colors full of energy such as orange and bright yellow.
  • Add light and color to the room using a garnish, for example by filling a glass or bottle with colored water and put them on the window sill. Vary the height of the water to add visual effects and variety of colors to complement your decor. Remember to change the water and clean the bottle regularly.
  • The glass beads or marbles can also reflect light beautifully. Unleash your creativity with a variety of colors, solid or layers of different colors in a glass container.
  • Install lights in the wall, right above the artwork your favorite, as well as a gallery of art to illuminate and add a soft glow.
  • Replace dark lampshades with a lighter color or shine.
  • Place the tray or bowl of rich gold or silver reflective effect on the table to bring a luxurious atmosphere. Use metal or glass that can reflect light and add sparkle.
Reorder furnishings were not Rapi
cramped and cluttered room always feels darker. Minimize irregularities in the table and the walls can create a sense of neatness and more light and open.
Utilizing the storage space to help keep the view remains tidy, bright, clean and open. Using an open bench to put goods or containers for storing objects that we use, such as magazines, keys and TV remote that did not meet the table.
Reduce tapestry of grouping Atua reducing their numbers. Keep in mind that a great art on the walls will make the room seem brighter and more spacious than some small works of art.
Do not add too much furniture in the room, this may make it seem smaller and darker. The furniture in shades of light will brighten the room.

Utilizing Mirror
garnish glass you can make your own or buy it at the store. Basically, this technique is placing a mirror or glass ornaments in a strategic place. Place one of the mirrors in areas exposed to direct sunlight. The mirror will reflect the light to another place, that's where we can put another mirror. This would provide a ripple effect even to places unreachable by sunlight. Depending on how many ornaments of glass you have, but it is better not put too much in order to remain natural.

That is some way short of the interiors of your home is no longer dark and dingy. If you have any other tips, please use the comment form below. Thank you.
Maximizing Light in the House Interior Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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