March 10, 2016

Minimalist Home Design Type 36/72 Captivating

Perhaps you are one of those who confused about minimalist house design type 36/72 . Actually this is a type 36 built on a land area of ​​72 m2. So the house is only a 36 m2 but it also has a land area of ​​72 m2. This is a concept that emphasizes the beauty of the home page for pages larger than the house itself. Usually to beautify the home, can be made to the park and a small fish pond so that the house looks beautiful.

Desain Rumah Minimalis Type 36/72

The development of a minimalist home very rapidly from year to year. The developers minimalist vying to produce the best design of various types. Including for type 36/72, this is a model that is preferred among the community. This is because the price is relatively affordable and designs offered are also very nice and elegant.

Design For minimalist Type 36 72 Hot 2016

Although coined the vast land, but because the house was built is a type 36 then it will be difficult for you to set up the room for spacious house with only 6 x 6 meters. You need to be wise in terms of space utilization. You do not need to collect items that are not necessary because it will only make your home narrower. Use furnishing a small house just with the amount granted.

rumah minimalis type 36 1 lantai

rumah minimalis type 36 tampak depan

If you could arrange the interior decor is well, then house will not feel cramped again because no space is wasted on a type 36 you. The draw of this type is the interior which has a spacious yard. Here you can be creative with a garden and maybe a small fish pond. For a small pool is better prepared right in front of the terrace in order to deal with MEJ chairs on the porch. This method can make the atmosphere to be cool and comfortable.

The size of the pool does not have to be too broad, 2 x 2 meters is enough. As for the park you can submit them to the garden maker competent so as to create a minimalist home design is good and beautiful.

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