March 07, 2016

Minimalist House Floor Plan 1 3 Bedrooms and garage

In making plan minimalist should pay attention to the needs of the room with the existing land. What else in modern life that people always want something simple but very helpful. Effectiveness and efficiency are needed here. The need for space is not only on the building interior but also the exterior.

On the exterior design, land is also required to park and possibly garage outdoor models. To that must be made in order to properly plan the land can be used for all parts of the house. Each plan also has its own size and also affect the amount of room that can be made. The more spacious floor plan, the more room that can be made.

Plan Houses Minimalist 1 Floor 3 Bedrooms and garage

For the occupancy of the floor had to be made as efficient as possible, but must also meet all the needs for space. The most important of the interior is the bedroom because it is a basic requirement of all people, the second is the bathroom and kitchen. Somehow it feels if you do not have a residential bathroom, would be very troublesome.

And the most recent is the living room and family room, this is a common space shared. That's why this room is included in the secondary category. For a number of rooms that can be adapted to the type made his home. If using type as small as type 21 or 36 then it can only be made one or two rooms only.

But when you have a need for a lot of room, you can meggunakan occupancy with house plans minimalist first floor of three rooms bed and garage . Surely this is made with large type, type a minimum of 70. With a concept like this, you will have enough room to mmenuhi needs. If using type big then you will mendapatka living room bigger so that it will add a relaxing atmosphere when the arrival of guests.

Denah Rumah Minimalis 1 Lantai 3 Kamar Tidur dan Garasi

With the garage in the house, it will be there is unused space. For that you must be efficient in the use of the room. There should be no goods that are useless but still kept, as this will make the room claustrophobic. The point is, the efficiency of space utilization should be done. The furniture used also do not need too much, just enough to complete it.

Due to its location in front of a garage, will automatically take the space next to the living room. For that you have to work around this by using a small-size table and chairs. If it can, the selection table must also be right. Suppose you want the room looked leg then use a table made of transparent glass because the glass can give the illusion that the room appear more spacious because the view is not closed.

The color selection should also be noted, narrow room will not be felt if the room comfortable. To give a feel comfortable then must use soft colors like light blue, light green, purple and others. Because the focus of your guests with the comfort of your home then a narrow room will not be considered.

With three bedrooms you can give to your child's privacy rights. Because the more a child grows older adolescents it wants to have their own room. But with this concept, if your dwelling using type 70, the size of the rooms are made only moderate size. If you want a more spacious then can use type 100.

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