March 09, 2016

Read This Before Buying or Creating Kitchen Set + 20 Figure

The kitchen is one of the daily activities of the housewife, for the design of the kitchen require special attention so that every part of the kitchen to function well and be easy to maintain, in addition to that aspect of beauty and comfort is also very worth noting, at this time both in large urban or small kitchen set is widely used because it is felt more simple to apply, in addition considered more beautiful and has a value high aesthetic also facilitate housewives store kitchen utensils and tableware.

on the market today various forms, shapes and colors of kitchen sets offered by the manufacturer to pick up the hearts of kunsumennya, in terms of price is certainly very diverse and also not a few homeowners make your own kitchen set which is expected to reduce the cost ....

However before deciding to buy or make your own kitchen set is good to know the important parts of the kitchen set, following an important part of the kitchen set version tabloid dream home:

  1. section cabinet above which hung or stuck on the wall if it were not too high so easy to reach, and not too low so it does not seem complicated, depth cabinet a maximum of 40 cm.
  2. section lower cabinets, pursued its depth up to 60 cm, and the top was given top table so constructed as to be waterproof and scratch resistance.
  3. top tables are the above lower cabinets serves as a table, can be made from sheets of board of a material that is easy to clean and resistant to fire, chemicals, and not easily broken, if you create your own you can use ceramic kitchen.
  4. section back panel , is part of the wall between the cabinet top and bottom, should be coated with ceramic heat-resistant ...
After finding out any part-an important part of the kitchen set, following the following tips to choose a kitchen set to have no regrets behind the day and according to your taste ....

  1. the basic ingredients kitchen set, this section is the first to note, basic kitchen set of materials related to the level of resistance and difficulty of cleaning and peratawannya , some manufacturers are using materials processed wood multiplex finishing paint duko or melamine, kitchen set made of the powerful and cost, other materials are widely used is made from solid wood such as teak, mahogany, takon, if you have enough budget kitchen set made from solid wood is the right choice.
  2. Note the screws from the side of the kitchen set, if the bolts installed neatly from all sides of both the top, bottom and sides of the furniture is appropriate for us to choose, but if the bolts are installed only from the top and bottom immediately disregard the kitchen set is and is not feasible for us to choose from.
  3. Open the cabinets above and lower cabinets, if there is a sound of scraping means pemsangan hinges are not perfect and do not have the level of precession is not good, kitchen set is also inappropriate we choose.
  4. Adjust the size of the kitchen set with an area of ​​your kitchen, if the kitchen space you are not too extensive choose a kitchen set with a simple design so that your kitchen seem more spacious.
  5. Kitchen sets that meet the standards is that there is a vacuum of smoke or known by the term "cookerhood", you can read here about the discussion cookerhood
  6. Note the level of finishing, it is related to the level of neatness of design and assembly
  7. Of course also adjust the color and model according to the tastes of the entire household, especially with our hostess.
Once you get a kitchen set that fit the criteria of quality and taste do not forget care kitchen set is very necessary to get attention, do the cleaning every it is used from the leftovers and dirt to avoid rust and does not invite ants especially rodents, moisture also appear necessary to prevent mildew and avoid scratches from sharp objects so that you set kitcjen remains charming and durable ....

Well here below some pictures minimalist kitchen set as a source of inspiration for you before deciding to buy or mebuat kitchen set as a best gift for your wife ....

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