March 09, 2016

Sample Image Plan Houses Type 45 (30 Pictures)

Here is an example of drawing some kind of home design type 45 which can be used as your inspiration to build or buy your dream home for you who wants to renovate the house because they are bored with the look of the old, the general house type 45 was built on an area of ​​8 m X 15 m, with an area of ​​the most suitable built minimalist style.

Although the house type 45 included small but if you are a little creative can be a home that feels relieved, and do not forget the health aspect and the air circulation and lighting need attention, by enlarging the size of the window and to optimize the ventilation of the house.

As members of the family and the need for a more spacious room, house type 45 is still very possible to house renovated into a 2 or 3 floors, senyampang all technical requirements allow, if you daydream plan house type 45 you will soon be renovated into two floors or more, when building a house prepared foundations and columns so houses that are technically qualified to be home two floors.

Interior Design Type 45
Indeed, with home type 45 do not have many options to get a lot of room, is the standard type house is only fit 1 living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and kitchen, the living room you can give more attention, the living room can be designed according to your taste, there are many more themes parlor , such as the classic theme, modern and minimalist, as well as the selection of furniture in the living room should give the impression that match the theme of the living room itself and choose one that does not take up space wide space so that your living room looked relieved.
Design the exterior of the house Type 45
the exterior of the house also should receive more attention, especially the displays look ahead, you can give an artistic touch to create a garden that matches the theme of the facade of your home, in addition to the park you can also insert a small pond complete with fountains and fish hiasnya, and no less important is the fencing, technically its usefulness as a safety of your home, but lately the function it develops into aspects that can beautify the look of your house, the fence is also tailored to the theme of your home, so it looks selaran if be seen from the front. A discussion of the park, the pool and the fence will share in the next article ...

Well below some examples of design drawings house type 45 we gather from google image, hoping to make an inspiration for you to get home dream all the members of your family

image: source google

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