March 08, 2016

The canopy shape Minimalist

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis
The canopy shape minimalist - Every home has always had a cover over the top that we call the roof. But not all of the top cover of the house is the roof, there are a wide variety of roof types include canopy that is widely used in a minimalist home. The canopy is a kind of a roof but no walls. In general, the canopy is used as protective doors and windows, balconies and also as a garage outdoor or protective car from sun and rain such as carport.

Trend property is constantly evolving, shapes and models are also changing times , including various forms of modern canopy. Trends varied enough canopy models such as triangular, dome, or a flat curve that is currently widely used by the owners of a minimalist home well in big cities or in the housing. Before we build or buy a canopy, we need to know a variety of materials canopy. The canopy can be made of various materials, such as stainless steel, zincalum (mixture of iron and aluminum), polycarbonate and glass. The canopy is made of glass are also quite popular because it can give the impression of a bright and modern.
See also: Designing canopy Instead of Garage

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

for the design and color of the canopy can be adjusted to the outside of your home. To reduce the impression of stiffness in the canopy, we can add greenery around it so seemed to blend with the building of the house. Particularly suitable plants are plants that can propagate in the canopy frame. This will certainly make it look more beautiful and elegant. If indeed you do not have the vines, just add some fruit pots around the canopy area. You will definitely get the canopy stunning minimalist home.

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

The entrance to the house is the first indication that determines whether or not a minimalist home design. The canopy became one part that becomes the focal point when building a home, as well as a terrace. How architecture flows from the outside to the entrance, telling how the house was designed and how well design. As important as the canopy, usually because the canopy is often overlooked and not so considered. This is unfortunate, as the canopy has a functional purpose and can also integrate the design of the house. Thus, the canopy can also encapsulates everything about a good home design.

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

should be considered when designing the shape of the canopy because it must take into account the weather and the condition of the area and the environment, so that require exact placement of structures. Good design is able to accommodate the design of the display and the main function of the canopy itself.

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

Bentuk Kanopi Rumah Minimalis

The Minimalist Canopy Shape Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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