March 07, 2016

Tips for Buying a Home in Housing Complex

Buying a house in a residential complex is a way to get home is the most practical and fast, be it a new home or existing home, but even so there are some things that need to be you care to fit the desires and needs of all the residents of the house. The number of options offered by some developers are offering housing ranging from the type of very simple and luxury homes, as well as the concept of the house is minimalist and modern minimalist house so that prospective buyers are puzzled how to select them.

Certainly the first factor do you think is the quality factor of the building, to determine the quality of the building you have to look at the ingredients and materials used, and the builders who worked on the building of the house, if you do not understand this you can use the consultants proficient in the art.

below are some of the social factors that you need to pertimbangankan before buying a new home or used in a housing:

  1. 1. Select housing located close to the area of ​​education and shopping. Your child will have to go to school and to cook needed groceries. Well, try the house that you buy its location close to the area of ​​education and the market, to make it easier when your child should go to school and when shopping for everyday kitchen.
  2. Select the location of housing can be reached from the workplace. Would be hard to imagine if every day, you need a travel time of over 2 hours to get to the office. Besides wasteful fuel / travel costs, as well as loss of time and energy is not it?
  3. Select housing that is easily accessible from the main line. Many developers advertisements stating that its residential location just 10 minutes from the toll gate / terminal bus. But who would have thought that it only happens at midnight only, and be 1 hour during the day due to traffic congestion were outstanding. Check the one prior to the test at different times
  4. Select housing that has adequate infrastructure. Surely it would be very beneficial for you and your family if the housing developer has prepared a vital infrastructure such as roads, sewers, electricity, water / taps and additional facilities such as playgrounds, sports facilities, minimarket, clinics, hygiene and safety. Moreover, if the arrangement of the infrastructure designed together in the area that is within easy reach of your home
  5. Select a flood-free housing. How can live in peace, if every rainy season your house flooded? So try to choose a flood-free location so you do not have to sport the heart of every rainy season
  6. Select residential building quality homes it can be accounted for. Why buy a new home, if only a year occupied already suffered severe damage. Make a check list when checking the house to be purchased, starting from the foundation, floors, walls, sills, ceilings, roofs and so on. Check carefully before buying, if necessary, invite people you think you are an expert in the field of building, rather than regret it later
  7. Select housing managed by a credible developer. There are so many developers are popping up today. Choose a developer who has good credibility, so that if there are complaints from home buyers immediately respond properly and not even get out of hand. To find out, do not hesitate to ask some homeowners in the residential area of ​​quality of service developers over the years.
  8. Select the type of housing that fits your life. This is not to discriminate against the dignity of man, but you also need to consider the environmental character of the occupants aka your prospective neighbors. Do not until later you feel uncomfortable or even get into trouble due to this one thing.

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