March 09, 2016

Wall Shelf Design Creative and Unique

Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik
shelf design walls are made in a way that is very unique and creative, is in a standard apartment with tujaun to improve visual quality and more space. The storage tanks are placed on a wall can also create the impression of more interior neat and orderly. The main design this storage form of a square box in which is designed to create more space for the store, with a texture design in and out walls, and at the same time can also be a staircase that leads to other areas at the top.

Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik
To further ease of manufacture, this apartment is almost entirely emptied. Empty space without being obstructed objects will make the preparation more free storage. The design can also be very diverse, including materials used such as wood or metal. In addition, choosing colors can also be customized with the theme of the room.
Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik

Apart from the area above and a built-in storage, this design also can expand the room, because in general the apartment is not has a fairly wide area. Besides creating additional space, a loft area also expanded.
space above the ceiling into a place which is easily accessible by stairs that connect it to the ground area.
Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik

Paired with features the original apartment, newly designed attic design in sizes casual sketch featuring storage both open and closed unite the kitchen and living room.

section contains workspace storage space and stairs leading to the children's playground. Its main focus is to create a single area for children to play, but also serves as a guest bedroom.
Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik

The size of the storage units are carefully measured, each compartment has specific details and functions specific so that it can be easily used to store goods that require special attention.
Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik

with additional storage, additional living space, the top area, contemporary design and original features of the apartments, the interior design of this able to change the interior of a small attic into a minimalist space that seem larger and much more functional, as well as a more attractive appearance.
Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik

Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik

Desain Rak Dinding Kreatif dan Unik
Sabo Project
Design Shelves Wall Creative and Unique Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Vinda Ho t

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