Photos Image Map Design House of Javanese Traditional Bali Gorontalo Middle East Kalimantan. Tribe Java is one of the tribes in Indonesia, Java has a diverse ethnic cultures, ranging from ludruk, kethoprak, campursari and others. Javanese people home form has its own particular characteristics when compared with the shape of the house in addition to Java, other than that in parts of Java also started many prang people of Bali, Gorontalo, the Middle East Kalimantan and so forth. Therefore in Java now appear many cultures mix between tribes with each other tribes that have an impact on cultural development in Java.
Here picture home form Javanese people either have not been mixed with home culture society to another and that has been mixed with kebudayn other communities.
so, few forms and kinds of home form Javanese people who were in the State Indonesia Design house of Javanese Traditional Bali Gorontalo Middle East Kalimantan, see also design custom homes Papua bali Java Aceh
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