March 08, 2016

Healthy Homes Free of Vegetable Berkimia

If you live in housing estates or densely populated settlements, and the neighbors around you could be driving a healthy life by utilizing the empty yard even though it inch by planting vegetables or fruit treated without the use of chemical fertilizers at all, so even once in life you never enjoy vegetables and fruit without chemicals.

If your garden planted with 10 chilli plants, other neighbors to plant eggplants, tomatoes , broccoli, green beans, spinach, mustard greens and so forth, so the harvest together you can barter with neighbors, in addition to saving the cost of groceries you and your family especially our children can consume vegetables are not contaminated with chemicals, because vegetables on the market is not necessarily harmful chemicals from both the chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides are gradually if taken continuously would interfere with the function of our organs.

for planting / cultivation of vegetables and crops are free from chemicals is easy, you can make your own kind of fertilizers and pesticides, you can take advantage of wastes that are around us, be it a kitchen waste, chicken manure or other animals, medicinal plants around us, to make their own fertilizer and pesticides themselves artikelnnya can read HERE. or follow these steps:

  1. Prepare manure / compost / Bokashi / organic fertilizer
  2. Prepare the soil
  3. Set Bag crackle former minimum diameter 30cm
  4. Prepare the soursop leaves 1 / 4kg, lemon grass roots + 1 / 4kg, 1/4 kg of betel nut, tobacco fistful, 1 ounce red cayenne pepper, 4 cloves garlic, 5 liters of water, puree all ingredients with your own way then mix with water, and then keep it in a tightly closed juregen (fermentation) 1 week dive, botanical pesticides you are ready to use, its use in mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10
  5. prepare urine cow / goat / rabbit 3liter, kedebok bananas sliced ​​small 3kg, coir kelapa3kg, coconut water 3liter, water 10 liters, mix all ingredients and add to a temapt airtight, cover tightly diving 2 weeks, organic liquid fertilizer you are ready to use, use mixed 1:10 ratio with water
  6. Combine land with manure in the ratio 1: 1 and then insert the media into plastic bags, medium height at least 20 cm, spray with a pesticide plant that has been made for sterile.
  7. Flush with organic liquid fertilizer that is mixed with water, sufficiently watered with a dose of about 0 ml (1 cup)
  8. after 3 days of new enter the seed vegetable or plant you
  9. maintenance fertilizing regularly with fertilizers organic liquid can be done once a week, if seen no signs of pests or disease spray with chemical pesticides

After the harvest, you will be able to consume fruits and vegetables that taste will be different from the purchase in the market, and your family can begin to live a healthy life. and hopefully useful ...

Also read this article: People It Every Day Drinking Chemical Pesticides

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