March 08, 2016

Minimalist design Front Side Rear

Selection minimalist house design is the determination of the identity of a dwelling. There are many to choose from, ranging from simple to luxurious models. All zoom views of the facade is best to show good design. In making a home, it is worth considering the architecture from all sides. This is important because your house is a three-dimensional object.

Desain Minimalis Tampak Depan Samping Belakang

But to every house front view is primary because this is the face of a house. If the front view of the take better, it will create the impression of less comfortable. Not only for homeowners but also the environment around the home. Therefore, a design must be made as much as a pretty good chance that what is produced to be wonderful so as to give a positive impression on the surrounding environment.

Minimalist Design Front

As already described, the front view is also an asset to us to show personality. Because a person's personality can be seen from how he took care of his house. There certainly do not want it, personality is considered ugly? Therefore, in choosing the design must be beautiful.

Desain Minimalis Tampak Depan

For simple occupancy is always using the concept of minimalism. minimalist design looks ahead used also uses simple elegant architecture. With the accent is dominated by a neat straight line either vertically or horizontally making it appear more modern. On the front wall can also look more beautiful if you use natural stone ornaments.

Minimalist Design Side View

While on the side of the house also can not be forgotten. Although this was not the main part, but must be kept beauty. You can use the designs mediocre and should not be excessive as this is a secondary part. But if your home is a model hook, then the side is as important as the front.

Desain Minimalis Tampak Samping

This is because the type of hook house is a house located in the corner of the street. Automatically have two sides facing to the road so as to have two front part of the house. Typically, the home side made as good as the front of the house and its location was positioned so that it is suitable for doing business. Minimalist house design looks aside would be useless if your dwelling is minimalist in housing model huddle.

Minimalist Design Rear

On the back is the most recently precedence , It is part of the homeowner's own authority. Since this is the part that will be enjoyed by yourself then you are free to decide whether to use a model that is good or not. Usually if the backyard is quite wide so can be used as a park, to the architecture behind the house must also be good to support the beauty of the park.

Desain minimalis tampak belakang

The minimalist design Rear actually does not always have to be ignored. Using a standard design is sufficient so as not to appear to be empty. The color selection should also be considered in order to support kendahan architecture that has been made.

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