March 08, 2016

Create Your Own Plamir wall Qualified

After the walls or the walls of the house so do not trigger painted with a paint color for the wall surface is rough and porous, some people lining the wall or walls with a wall that can plamir purchased at the store development, function plamir nothing for wall tanpak more subtle and pervasive so as not to paint so that it can avoid the extravagance of paint. Once the process plmir finished wait until plamir really dry, usually the most flattering wait until 7 new day Palmir smoothed with sandpaper, and ready to paint coloring.

Plamir wall manufacturer's products are quite expensive, so a lot of users create your own odonan plamir whose quality is not inferior to the product manufacturer, well this time Tabloid Rumah Idaman will share the dough composition plamir wall fitting so that the results are disappointing.

Substance -material necessary to make plamir:

1. Semen quality white (look for the brand t *** wheel)
2. Super cement (the price is a bit expensive but this is only a little material needs)
2. Calcium white smooth, do not select the color somewhat opaque
3. white glue (look for the brand r *** guardian)

the composition and how to make

  1. Combine 0.5 kg super cement with 20 liters of water and stir until well mixed really
  2. Take 3 liters of water and pour the mixture into a bucket
  3. Enter the white stucco 1 kg
  4. Enter Calcium 2 kg
  5. Enter glue 1 kg
  6. Then stir the mixture with a truly flat
  7. If you want to make more living multiply the above composition.

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